Library GeneralReflection

Require Import MetaCoq.Checker.Checker.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import utils All Pretty.
Require Import List String.
Import MonadNotation.
Require Import FOL.
Require Import Deduction.
Require Import Tarski.
Require Import VectorTech.
Require Import Lia.


Please read the PDF file giving a detailed description.
We are given a Coq term and try to find a reification of it in the syntax of a specific kind of first-order theory.
Section FailureMonad.


Since our function is partial, and we want to give helpful error messages to the User, we use this monad, which represents either success or failure, along with an error message
  Inductive FailureMonad (A:Type) : Type := ret : A -> FailureMonad A | fail : string -> FailureMonad A.
  Arguments ret {_} _.
  Arguments fail {_} _.
  Definition bind {A B : Type} (k:FailureMonad A) (f:A -> FailureMonad B) := match k return FailureMonad B with fail x => fail x | ret k => f k end.
  Notation "x <- c1 ;; c2" := (bind c1 (fun x => c2)).
"Converts" from our monad to the TemplateMonad of MetaCoq. This is used to pass error messages back to the user
  Definition f2t {T:Type} (a:FailureMonad T) : TemplateMonad T := match a with ret k => monad_utils.ret k | fail s => tmFail s end.
Structurally recursive definition of a monadic map
  Fixpoint flatten_monad {A:Type} (l:list (FailureMonad A)) : FailureMonad (list A) := match l with nil => ret nil | x::xr => xm <- x;; xrm <- flatten_monad xr;; ret (xm::xrm) end.
  Definition map_monad {A B:Type} (f:A -> FailureMonad B) (l:list A) : FailureMonad (list B) := flatten_monad (map f l).
If the first monad fails, use the second. Used to cascade failure handling
  Definition orelse {A:Type} (F1 F2 :FailureMonad A) := match F1 with fail _ => F2 | _ => F1 end.
End FailureMonad.

Arguments ret {_} _.
Arguments fail {_} _.
Arguments orelse {_} _ _.
Notation "x <- c1 ;; c2" := (bind c1 (fun x => c2)).
Arguments Vector.cons {_} _ {_} _, _ _ _ _.

Section MetaCoqUtils.


Here, we define various useful functions for working with MetaCoq terms
  Notation vectorCons x T n xr :=
      inductive_mind := (MPfile (["VectorDef"; "Vectors"; "Coq"]), "t");
      inductive_ind := 0 |} 1 nil)
   ([T; x; n; xr])).
  Notation vectorNil T :=
      inductive_mind := (MPfile (["VectorDef"; "Vectors"; "Coq"]), "t");
      inductive_ind := 0 |} 0 nil) ([T])).
  Fixpoint recoverVector (f : Ast.term) {struct f}: FailureMonad (list Ast.term) := let ffail := fail "not a vector application" in match f with
    vectorNil _ => ret nil
  | vectorCons x _ _ xr => xrl <- recoverVector xr;;ret (x::xrl)
  | _ => ffail

General utils for quoted terms

Remove the n first elements from a list
  Existing Instance config.default_checker_flags.
  Fixpoint popNElements (l : list Ast.term) (n:nat) : option (list Ast.term) := match (l,n) with
    (a,0) => Some a
  | (x::xr, S n) => popNElements xr n
  | _ => None end.
If ls is a valid prefix of l, return the corresponding "suffix" (the remaining elements of l). Otherwise, return None
  Fixpoint popListStart (l : list Ast.term) (ls : list Ast.term) : option (list Ast.term) := match (l,ls) with
    (a,nil)=> Some a
  | (lx::lxr, lsx::lsxr) => if Checker.eq_term init_graph lx lsx then popListStart lxr lsxr else None
  | _ => None end.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qNatZero := 0.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qNatSucc := S.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qeq_refl := (@eq_refl).
Given n, yield a MetaCoq Ast.term representation of n
  Fixpoint quoteNumber (n:nat) : Ast.term:= match n with 0 => qNatZero | S n => tApp qNatSucc ([quoteNumber n]) end.

Increases the indices of all tRel in t by amnt, assuming they are already larger than minn. If minn = 0, this increases all "free" tRel reference indices
  Fixpoint addRelIndex (minn:nat) (amnt:nat) (t:Ast.term) : Ast.term := match t with
    tRel n => if Compare_dec.le_gt_dec minn n then tRel (amnt+n) else tRel n
  | tVar k => tVar k
  | tEvar n ls => tEvar n (map (addRelIndex minn amnt) ls)
  | tSort u => tSort u
  | tCast t ck t2 => tCast (addRelIndex minn amnt t) ck (addRelIndex minn amnt t2)
  | tProd n t v => tProd n (addRelIndex minn amnt t) (addRelIndex (S minn) amnt v)
  | tLambda n t v => tLambda n (addRelIndex minn amnt t) (addRelIndex (S minn) amnt v)
  | tLetIn n t v e => tLetIn n (addRelIndex minn amnt t) (addRelIndex minn amnt v) (addRelIndex (S minn) amnt e)
  | tApp f al => tApp (addRelIndex minn amnt f) (map (addRelIndex minn amnt) al)
  | tConst a b => tConst a b
  | tInd i t => tInd i t
  | tConstruct a b c => tConstruct a b c
  | tCase k i r m => tCase k (addRelIndex minn amnt i) (addRelIndex minn amnt r) (map (fun '(a,b) => (a,addRelIndex minn amnt b)) m)
  | tProj p t => tProj p (addRelIndex minn amnt t)
  | tFix mft n => tFix (map (map_def (addRelIndex minn amnt) (addRelIndex (S minn) amnt)) mft) n
  | tCoFix mft n => tCoFix (map (map_def (addRelIndex minn amnt) (addRelIndex (S minn) amnt)) mft) n
  Definition map_def_monad {A B : Type} (tyf bodyf : A -> FailureMonad B) (d:def A) : FailureMonad (def B) := dtr <- tyf (dbody d);;dbr <- bodyf (dbody d);;
                                                                                                            ret {| dname := dname d; dtype := dtr; dbody := dbr; rarg := rarg d |}.
Inverse operation to addRelIndex. Can fail, if the term for instance contains a tRel 0, which would need to be lowered to tRel (-1), which does not exist
  Fixpoint lowerRelIndex (minn:nat) (tv:FailureMonad Ast.term) (t:Ast.term) {struct t}: FailureMonad Ast.term := match t with
    tRel n => if Compare_dec.le_gt_dec minn n then if Compare_dec.le_gt_dec minn (S n) then ret (tRel (match n with 0 => 0 | S n => n end)) else tv else ret (tRel n)
  | tVar k => ret (tVar k)
  | tEvar n ls => m <- map_monad (lowerRelIndex minn tv) ls;;ret (tEvar n m)
  | tSort u => ret (tSort u)
  | tCast t ck t2 => mt <- (lowerRelIndex minn tv t);;mt2<-(lowerRelIndex minn tv t2);;ret (tCast mt ck mt2)
  | tProd n t v => mt<-(lowerRelIndex minn tv t);;mv<-(lowerRelIndex (S minn) tv v);;ret (tProd n mt mv)
  | tLambda n t v => mt<-(lowerRelIndex minn tv t);;mv<-(lowerRelIndex (S minn) tv v);;ret (tLambda n mt mv)
  | tLetIn n t v e => mt<-(lowerRelIndex minn tv t);;mv<-(lowerRelIndex minn tv v);;me<-(lowerRelIndex (S minn) tv e);;ret (tLetIn n mt mv me)
  | tApp f al => mal<-(map_monad (lowerRelIndex minn tv) al);;ff <- lowerRelIndex minn tv f;;ret (tApp ff mal)
  | tConst a b => ret (tConst a b)
  | tInd i t => ret (tInd i t)
  | tConstruct a b c => ret (tConstruct a b c)
  | tCase k i r m => mi<-(lowerRelIndex minn tv i);;mr<-(lowerRelIndex minn tv r);;mm<-(map_monad (fun '(a,b) => mb <- lowerRelIndex minn tv b;; ret (a,mb)) m);;ret (tCase k mi mr mm)
  | tProj p t => mt<-(lowerRelIndex minn tv t);;ret (tProj p mt)
  | tFix mft n => mmft<-(map_monad (map_def_monad (lowerRelIndex minn tv) (lowerRelIndex (S minn) tv)) mft);;ret (tFix mmft n)
  | tCoFix mft n => mmft<-(map_monad (map_def_monad (lowerRelIndex minn tv) (lowerRelIndex (S minn) tv)) mft);;ret (tCoFix mmft n)
End MetaCoqUtils.

Section AbstractReflectionDefinitions.


Here, we define basic terms and types used when reifying Type of term reification helper, which is given to extension points / base connective reifier. The arguments are:
  • tct:Ast.term -- the current instance of the tarski_reflector, quoted
  • t:Ast.term -- the actual term to be reified
  • envTerm:Ast.term -- the env we are reifying into, quoted
  • env: -- a helper, which gives the env index for Coq terms
  • returning a pair of the reified term and a proof that it is correct, both quoted
  Definition helperTermReifierType := (Ast.term -> Ast.term -> Ast.term -> (Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) -> FailureMonad (prod Ast.term Ast.term)).
The same, but used during the env constructing phase. The only arg is the term itself
  Definition helperTermVarsType := (Ast.term -> FailureMonad (list Ast.term)).
Similar, but this helper is used to reify terms, not forms. Args:
  • tct -- as above
  • frees:nat -- when reifying a nary predicate, this is n.
  • t:Ast.term -- the actual term/form to be reified
  • envTerm -- as above
  • env -- as above
  • returning again a apair of reified term and proof
  Definition helperFormReifierType := (Ast.term -> nat -> Ast.term -> (Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) -> FailureMonad (prod Ast.term Ast.term)).
  Definition helperFormVarsType := (Ast.term->nat->FailureMonad (list Ast.term)).
A base connective is an inductive in Coq.Init.Logic, like and. They are common and have their own subsystem. Arguments:
  • tct -- as above
  • lst:list Ast.term -- for e.g. (and X Y), this list contains X;Y.
  • fuel:nat -- fuel (when 0, we stop)
  • envTerm
  • env
  • a helper to recursively reify forms
  • a helper to recursively reify terms
  • return again a a pair of term and proof
  Definition baseConnectiveReifier := Ast.term -> list Ast.term -> nat -> Ast.term -> (Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) -> helperFormReifierType -> helperTermReifierType -> FailureMonad (prod Ast.term Ast.term).
  Definition baseConnectiveVars := list Ast.term -> nat -> Ast.term -> helperFormVarsType -> helperTermVarsType -> FailureMonad (list Ast.term).
Extension point for term reification. Args are:
  • tct:Ast.term
  • fuel:nat (also for var finder)
  • t:term (also for var finder) -- the actual term
  • envTerm
  • env
  • recursion helper (also for var finder)
  • returning the usual
  Definition termFinderVars := nat -> Ast.term -> helperTermVarsType -> FailureMonad (list Ast.term).
  Definition termFinderReifier := Ast.term -> nat -> Ast.term -> Ast.term -> (Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat)
                                  -> helperTermReifierType -> FailureMonad (prod Ast.term Ast.term).
Extension point for form reification. Args are:
  • tct:Ast.term
  • fuel:nat (also for var finder)
  • t:term (also for var finder) -- the actual term
  • frees
  • envTerm
  • env
  • recursion helper for forms (also for var finder)
  • recursion helper for terms (also for var finder)
  • returning the usual
  Definition propFinderVars := Ast.term -> nat -> Ast.term -> nat -> helperFormVarsType -> helperTermVarsType -> (FailureMonad (list Ast.term)).
  Definition propFinderReifier := Ast.term -> nat -> Ast.term -> nat -> Ast.term -> (Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) -> helperFormReifierType -> helperTermReifierType -> FailureMonad (prod Ast.term Ast.term).

When running in no proof mode, extension points still expect proofs. We give this dummy term. If the extension point only uses this to build further proofs, the whole term is discarded in the end
  Definition noProofDummy := tVar "NoProofGivenBecauseWeAreInNoProofMode".
An instance of this class is required for the reifier to work. From it the basic reification building blocks are derived
  Class tarski_reflector := {
    fs : funcs_signature;
    ps : preds_signature;
    D : Type;
    I : @interp fs ps D;
    emptyEnv : nat -> D;
    isD : Ast.term -> bool;
Extension point to extend the libary to more syntactic constructs
  Class tarski_reflector_extensions (t:tarski_reflector) := {
for reifying instances of inductive types Coq.Init.Logic.* applied to arguments. Mostly used for reifying eq
    baseLogicConnHelper : option (string -> baseConnectiveReifier);
    baseLogicVarHelper : option (string -> baseConnectiveVars);
for reifying all terms that we fail to reify
    termReifierVarHelper : option termFinderVars;
    termReifierReifyHelper : option termFinderReifier;
for reifying all forms that we fail to reify
    formReifierVarHelper : option propFinderVars;
    formReifierReifyHelper : option propFinderReifier
Used if no instance of the above extension class can be found
  Definition defaultExtensions tr : tarski_reflector_extensions tr := Build_tarski_reflector_extensions tr None None None None None None.
Useful builder to build the main tarski_reflector class
  Definition buildDefaultTarski {fs:funcs_signature} {ps:preds_signature} {D:Type} {I:@interp fs ps D} (point:D) (isD:Ast.term -> bool) := Build_tarski_reflector fs ps D I (fun n:nat => point) isD.
  Context {tr : tarski_reflector}.
These types are used to define representability. A n-ary formula is representable if there is a syntactic formula and an environment that you can plug the relevant values into that is equivalent
  Fixpoint naryProp (n:nat) : Type := match n with 0 => Prop | S nn => D -> naryProp nn end.
  Fixpoint representsP {n:nat} phi rho : (forall (P:naryProp n), Prop) := match n return (forall (P:naryProp n), Prop) with
       0 => (fun (P:Prop) => P <-> @sat fs ps D I rho phi)
    | S n => (fun (P:D -> naryProp n) => forall d, @representsP n phi (d.:rho) (P d)) end.
  Definition representableP (n:nat) (P : naryProp n) := exists phi rho, representsP phi rho P.
  Definition representsF (d:D) trm rho := @eval fs ps D I rho trm = d.
  Definition representableF (d:D) := exists trm rho, representsF d trm rho.

Functions that allow us to construct syntactic connective applications without building vectors in MetaCoq
  Fixpoint naryGFunc (n:nat) (A R : Type) := match n with 0 => R | S n => A -> @naryGFunc n A R end.
  Fixpoint takeMultiple {n : nat} (X Y:Type) : (Vector.t X n -> Y) -> @naryGFunc n X Y :=
     match n as nn return (Vector.t X nn -> Y) -> @naryGFunc nn X Y
             with 0 => fun R => R (Vector.nil X)
              | S n => fun R v => @takeMultiple n X Y (fun vr => R (Vector.cons X v n vr)) end.
  Definition constructTerm (k:@syms (@fs tr)) := @takeMultiple (ar_syms k) term term (func k).
  Definition constructForm (k:(@preds (@ps tr))) := @takeMultiple (@ar_preds (@ps tr) k) (@term (@fs tr)) form (atom k).

  Fixpoint nary3GFunc (n:nat) (A B A' B':Type) (C:A -> B -> Type) (C':A'->B'->Type) : (Vector.t A n -> A') -> (Vector.t B n -> B') -> Type
                      := match n with 0 => fun mA mB => C' (mA (Vector.nil A)) (mB (Vector.nil B))
                                  | S n => fun mA mB => forall (a:A) (b:B), C a b -> @nary3GFunc n A B A' B' C C' (fun v => mA (Vector.cons A a n v)) (fun v => mB (Vector.cons B b n v)) end.

  Definition mergeTermBase (c:@syms (@fs tr)) : Type :=
  forall (rho:nat -> D), @nary3GFunc (ar_syms c) term D term D
                                     (fun t d => representsF d t rho) (fun t d => representsF d t rho)
                                     (func c) (@i_f fs ps D I c).
  Definition mergeTermProtoType (rho:nat -> D) (n:nat) (fZ:vec term n -> term) (ifZ : vec D n -> D) :=
         (forall v : vec term n, @eval fs ps D I rho (fZ v) = ifZ ( (@eval fs ps D I rho) v))
         -> @nary3GFunc n term D term D (fun t d => representsF d t rho) (fun t d => representsF d t rho) fZ ifZ.
  Definition mergeTermProto (rho:nat -> D) (n:nat) (fZ:vec term n -> term) (ifZ : vec D n -> D) : mergeTermProtoType rho n fZ ifZ.
  intros H. induction n as [|n IH].
  * cbn. unfold representsF. rewrite H. cbn. easy.
  * cbn. intros t d r. apply IH. cbn. intros v. specialize (H (Vector.cons t v)). unfold representsF in r. rewrite H. cbn. now rewrite r.
  Definition mergeTerm (c:syms) : mergeTermBase c.
  Proof. intros rho. eapply mergeTermProto. now intros v. Defined.

  Definition mergeFormBase (c:@preds (@ps tr)) : Type :=
  forall (rho:nat -> D), @nary3GFunc (ar_preds c) term D form (naryProp 0)
                                     (fun t d => representsF d t rho) (fun t P => representsP t rho P)
                                     (atom c) (@i_P fs ps D I c).
  Definition mergeFormProtoType (rho:nat -> D) (n:nat) (fZ:vec term n -> form) (ifZ : vec D n -> naryProp 0) :=
         (forall v : vec term n, @sat fs ps D I rho (fZ v) = ifZ ( (@eval fs ps D I rho) v))
         -> @nary3GFunc n term D form (naryProp 0) (fun t d => representsF d t rho) (fun t P => representsP t rho P) fZ ifZ.
Proof that the functions built using the above helper actually represent the syntactic construct they are supposed to represent
  Definition mergeFormProto (rho:nat -> D) (n:nat) (fZ:vec term n -> form) (ifZ : vec D n -> naryProp 0) : mergeFormProtoType rho n fZ ifZ.
  intros H. induction n as [|n IH].
  * cbn. unfold representsP. rewrite H. cbn. easy.
  * cbn. intros t d r. apply IH. cbn. intros v. specialize (H (Vector.cons t v)). unfold representsF in r. rewrite H. cbn. now rewrite r.
  Definition mergeForm (c:preds) : mergeFormBase c.
  Proof. intros rho. eapply mergeFormProto. now intros v. Defined.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qConstructTerm := constructTerm.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeTerm := mergeTerm.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qConstructForm := constructForm.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeForm := mergeForm.
End AbstractReflectionDefinitions.

Section TarskiMerging.
**TarskiMerging Here we have reifiers for basic logical connectives which are part of the core Tarski semantics and thus every model. These are and, or, falsity, implication and both quantifiers
  Context {tr : tarski_reflector}.
  Context {te : tarski_reflector_extensions tr}.
For each connective, we have a "merger" that takes subproof that a term is represented by its reification, and proof that the larger term also represents its subterm. For falsity, there are not subterms, so we just prove that fal represents False, which is trivial
  Definition mergeFalse (rho:nat -> D) : @representsP tr 0 fal rho False.
  Proof. easy. Defined.
We then define a quoted version of the above proof which is later used to build subterms
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeFalse := @mergeFalse.
We also define a form merger, which is a function that takes the reified subterms (not the proofs) and builds the reified term. For False, this is just a term that represents false (here given without syntact sugar)
  Definition mFalse := (@fal fs ps full_operators).
Finally we define a quoted form merger which will then later be applied to the subforms
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeFormFalse := @mFalse.

The same development for And. Note that this time we have subproofs. Our function arguments follow this pattern:
  • tr_quoted - quoted tarski_reflector (not visible in the arguments, but it's a context variable. Note that since the functions don't acually use te, it does not become part of the arguments outside the section
  • environment
  • coq subterms that are to be reified
  • reified subterms
  • proof that the reified subterms are actually the reifications
  Definition mergeAnd (rho:nat -> D) (P Q : naryProp 0) (fP fQ : form) : representsP fP rho P -> representsP fQ rho Q -> @representsP tr 0 (fP∧fQ) rho (P /\ Q).
  intros [pPl pPr] [pQl pQr]. split.
  * intros [pP pQ]. split. now apply pPl. now apply pQl.
  * intros [pP pQ]. split. now apply pPr. now apply pQr.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeAnd := @mergeAnd.
This is the form merger for and. It is unfolded syntactic sugar, once one adds the arguments x and y, this will read x ∧ y.
  Definition mAnd := (@bin fs ps full_operators Conj).
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeFormAnd := @mAnd.

The same development for or
  Definition mergeOr (rho:nat -> D) (P Q : naryProp 0) (fP fQ : form) : representsP fP rho P -> representsP fQ rho Q -> @representsP tr 0 (fP∨fQ) rho (P \/ Q).
  intros [pPl pPr] [pQl pQr]. split.
  * intros [pP|pQ]. left; now apply pPl. right; now apply pQl.
  * intros [pP|pQ]. left; now apply pPr. right; now apply pQr.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeOr := @mergeOr.
  Definition mOr := (@bin fs ps full_operators Disj).
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeFormOr := @mOr.

The same development for existential quantifiaction. Note that the P argument is a 1-ary predicate.
  Definition mergeExists (rho:nat -> D) (P:naryProp 1) (fP:form) : representsP fP rho P -> @representsP tr 0 (∃ fP) rho (exists q:D, P q).
  intros pR. split.
  * intros [q Pq]. exists q. destruct (pR q) as [pRl pRr]. now apply pRl.
  * intros [q Pq]. exists q. destruct (pR q) as [pRl pRr]. now apply pRr.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeExists := @mergeExists.
  Definition mExists := (@quant fs ps full_operators Ex).
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeFormExists := @mExists.

The same development for implication. Note that implication is handled in the main reification logic since P -> Q is just syntactic sugar for (forall _:P, Q)
  Definition mergeImpl (rho:nat -> D) (P Q : naryProp 0) (fP fQ : form) : representsP fP rho P -> representsP fQ rho Q -> @representsP tr 0 (fP --> fQ) rho (P -> Q).
  intros HP HQ.
  destruct HP as [pPl pPr]. destruct HQ as [pQl pQr]. split.
  * intros PQ pP. apply pQl, PQ, pPr, pP.
  * cbn. intros pPQ pP. apply pQr, pPQ, pPl, pP.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeImpl := @mergeImpl.
  Definition mImpl := (@bin fs ps full_operators Impl).
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeFormImpl := @mImpl.
The same development for forall. Since forall-quantification in Coq is a part of the proper syntax (product types), this will again be handled by the main reification
  Definition mergeForall (rho:nat -> D) (Q:naryProp 1) (phi:form) : representsP phi rho Q -> @representsP tr 0 (∀ phi) rho (forall x:D, Q x).
  Proof. intros H. cbn. split;
   intros HH d; specialize (HH d); specialize (H d); cbn in H; apply H, HH.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeForall := @mergeForall.
  Definition mForall := (@quant fs ps full_operators All).
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeFormForall := @mForall.

  Definition mergeIff (rho:nat -> D) (P Q : naryProp 0) (fP fQ : form) : representsP fP rho P -> representsP fQ rho Q -> @representsP _ 0 ((fP-->fQ)∧(fQ-->fP)) rho (P <-> Q).
  Proof. intros H1 H2. cbn. cbn in H1,H2. rewrite H2, H1. reflexivity. Defined.
  Definition mIff := (fun fP fQ : form => mAnd (mImpl fP fQ) (mImpl fQ fP)).
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeFormIff := @mIff.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeIff := mergeIff.

The same development for truth. Note that truth has no canonical representative in the tarski semantics. It is equivalent to (falsity -> falsity), but not computationally equal. So using True in noProof mode would fail.
  Definition mergeTrue (rho:nat -> D) : @representsP _ 0 (fal-->fal) rho (True).
  Proof. cbn. tauto. Defined.
  Definition mTrue := (mImpl mFalse mFalse).
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeFormTrue := @mTrue.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeTrue := mergeTrue.

Notation for matching constructs like Coq.Init.Logic.and prop1 prop2 -> (x:="and", l:=term1, term2)
  Notation baseLogicConn x l:= (tInd {| inductive_mind := (MPfile (["Logic"; "Init"; "Coq"]), x); inductive_ind := 0 |} l).
We now define reification helpers for each of the primitives (except implication&forall). These helpers recursively apply the main reification function to the subterms and assemble the resulting term/prood
  Definition reifyFalse : baseConnectiveReifier := fun tct lst _ envTerm env fPR _ => match lst with nil => ret (tApp qMergeFormFalse ([tct]), tApp qMergeFalse ([tct;envTerm])) | _ => fail "False applied to terms" end.
  Definition reifyAnd : baseConnectiveReifier := fun tct lst _ envTerm env fPR _ => match lst with [x; y] =>
                                             xr <- fPR x 0 envTerm env;;yr <- fPR y 0 envTerm env;; let '((xt,xp),(yt,yp)) := (xr,yr) in
                                             ret (tApp qMergeFormAnd ([tct;xt;yt]), tApp qMergeAnd ([tct;envTerm;x;y;xt;yt;xp;yp])) | _ => fail "And applied to != 2 terms" end.
  Definition reifyOr : baseConnectiveReifier := fun tct lst _ envTerm env fPR _ => match lst with [x; y] =>
                                             xr <- fPR x 0 envTerm env;;yr <- fPR y 0 envTerm env;; let '((xt,xp),(yt,yp)) := (xr,yr) in
                                             ret (tApp qMergeFormOr ([tct;xt;yt]),tApp qMergeOr ([tct;envTerm;x;y;xt;yt;xp;yp])) | _ => fail "Or applied to != 2 terms" end.
  Definition reifyExist:baseConnectiveReifier := fun tct lst _ envTerm env fPR _ => match lst with [_; P] =>
                                             rr <- fPR P 1 envTerm env;; let '(rt,rp) := rr in
                                             ret (tApp qMergeFormExists ([tct;rt]), tApp qMergeExists ([tct;envTerm;P;rt;rp])) | _ => fail "Exist applied to wrong terms" end.
  Definition reifyIff : baseConnectiveReifier := fun tct lst _ envTerm env fPR _ => match lst with [x; y] =>
                                             xr <- fPR x 0 envTerm env;;yr <- fPR y 0 envTerm env;; let '((xt,xp),(yt,yp)) := (xr,yr) in
                                             ret (tApp qMergeFormIff ([tct;xt;yt]), tApp qMergeIff ([tct;envTerm;x;y;xt;yt;xp;yp])) | _ => fail "Iff applied to != 2 terms" end.
  Definition reifyTrue : baseConnectiveReifier := fun tct l fuel envTerm env fPR _ => match l with nil =>
                                             ret (tApp qMergeFormTrue ([tct]), tApp qMergeTrue ([tct;envTerm]))| _ => fail "True applied to terms" end.
The main handler. Given the name of the base type, call the respective helper. If nothing matches, call the extension point
  Definition reifyBase (s:string): baseConnectiveReifier
                            := match s with "and" => reifyAnd | "or" => reifyOr | "ex" => reifyExist | "False" => reifyFalse | "True" => reifyTrue |
                                       _ => match baseLogicConnHelper with
                                             None =>fun _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => fail ("Unknown connective "++s) |
                                             Some k => k s end end.
The same development for no-proof mode. Similar, except we don't build proofs
  Definition baseConnectiveReifierNP := Ast.term -> list Ast.term -> nat -> Ast.term -> (Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) ->
                                       (Ast.term -> nat -> Ast.term -> (Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) -> FailureMonad ( Ast.term)) ->
                                       (Ast.term -> Ast.term -> Ast.term -> (Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) -> FailureMonad (Ast.term)) -> FailureMonad (Ast.term).
  Definition reifyFalseNP : baseConnectiveReifierNP := fun tct lst _ envTerm env fPR _ => match lst with nil => ret (tApp qMergeFormFalse ([tct])) | _ => fail "False applied to terms" end.
  Definition reifyAndNP : baseConnectiveReifierNP := fun tct lst _ envTerm env fPR _ => match lst with [x; y] =>
                                             xt <- fPR x 0 envTerm env;;yt <- fPR y 0 envTerm env;;
                                             ret (tApp qMergeFormAnd ([tct;xt;yt])) | _ => fail "And applied to != 2 terms" end.
  Definition reifyOrNP : baseConnectiveReifierNP := fun tct lst _ envTerm env fPR _ => match lst with [x; y] =>
                                             xt <- fPR x 0 envTerm env;;yt <- fPR y 0 envTerm env;;
                                             ret (tApp qMergeFormOr ([tct;xt;yt])) | _ => fail "Or applied to != 2 terms" end.
  Definition reifyExistNP:baseConnectiveReifierNP := fun tct lst _ envTerm env fPR _ => match lst with [_; P] =>
                                             rt <- fPR P 1 envTerm env;;
                                             ret (tApp qMergeFormExists ([tct;rt])) | _ => fail "Exist applied to wrong terms" end.
  Definition reifyIffNP : baseConnectiveReifierNP := fun tct lst _ envTerm env fPR _ => match lst with [x; y] =>
                                             xt <- fPR x 0 envTerm env;;yt <- fPR y 0 envTerm env;;
                                             ret (tApp qMergeFormIff ([tct;xt;yt])) | _ => fail "Iff applied to != 2 terms" end.
  Definition reifyTrueNP : baseConnectiveReifierNP := fun tct l fuel envTerm env fPR _ => match l with nil =>
                                             ret (tApp qMergeFormTrue ([tct]))| _ => fail "True applied to terms" end.
The helper is a bit more interesting, since it calls the extension point, building a recursive "dummy proof" helper and discarding the resulting proof
  Definition reifyBaseNP (s:string): baseConnectiveReifierNP
                            := match s with "and" => reifyAndNP | "or" => reifyOrNP | "ex" => reifyExistNP | "False" => reifyFalseNP | "True" => reifyTrueNP |
                                       _ => match baseLogicConnHelper with
                                             None =>fun _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => fail ("Unknown connective "++s) |
                                             Some k => fun tct lst fuel envTerm env fPR fTR => both <- k s tct lst fuel envTerm env
                                                                                                        (fun P n et e => rr <- fPR P n et e;; ret (rr, noProofDummy))
                                                                                                        (fun tct t eT env => rr <- fTR tct t eT env;; ret (rr, noProofDummy));;
                                                                  let '(trm,_) := both in ret trm end end.
End TarskiMerging.

Section ReificationHelpers.
**ReificationHelpers These functions reify atomic functions/relations Definition of the types. The arguments are:
  • tct:Ast.term - quoted instance of tarski_reflector
  • av:list Ast.term - the arguments of an atomic relation/function to be recursively reified
  • envTerm
  • recursive helper, to which av is passed one-by-one
  • the return is again either a pair of term&proof, or just the term if in no proof mode
  Definition termReifier := Ast.term -> list Ast.term -> Ast.term -> (Ast.term -> FailureMonad (prod Ast.term Ast.term)) -> FailureMonad (prod Ast.term Ast.term).
  Definition termReifierNP := Ast.term -> list Ast.term -> Ast.term -> (Ast.term -> FailureMonad (Ast.term)) -> FailureMonad (Ast.term).
Args: typeClassTerm -> vector of args -> env term -> recursion for arg vector -> prod (term, proof that term represents input
  Fixpoint applyRecursively (lt : list Ast.term) (IH : Ast.term -> FailureMonad (prod Ast.term Ast.term)) : FailureMonad (prod (list Ast.term) (list Ast.term)) :=
     match lt with nil => ret (nil,nil)
               | t::tr => IHt <- IH t;; atrIH <- applyRecursively tr IH;;let '(rep,prf) := IHt in let '(replist,fulllist) := atrIH in ret (rep::replist, rep::t::prf::fulllist) end.
  Fixpoint applyRecursivelyNP (lt : list Ast.term) (IH : Ast.term -> FailureMonad (Ast.term)) : FailureMonad ((list Ast.term) ) :=
     match lt with nil => ret (nil)
               | t::tr => rep <- IH t;; replist <- applyRecursivelyNP tr IH;;ret (rep::replist) end.
  Definition reifyTerm (c:Ast.term) : termReifier := fun tct av env IH => pr <- applyRecursively av IH;; let '(trm,fullarg) := pr in
                                                     ret (tApp qConstructTerm (tct::c::trm), tApp qMergeTerm (tct::c::env::fullarg)).
  Definition reifyForm (c:Ast.term) : termReifier := fun tct av env IH => pr <- applyRecursively av IH;; let '(trm,fullarg) := pr in
                                                     ret (tApp qConstructForm (tct::c::trm), tApp qMergeForm (tct::c::env::fullarg)).
  Definition reifyTermNP (c:Ast.term) : termReifierNP := fun tct av env IH => trm <- applyRecursivelyNP av IH;;
                                                     ret (tApp qConstructTerm (tct::c::trm)).
  Definition reifyFormNP (c:Ast.term) : termReifierNP := fun tct av env IH => trm <- applyRecursivelyNP av IH;;
                                                     ret (tApp qConstructForm (tct::c::trm)).
End ReificationHelpers.

Section EnvHelpers.


Useful functions for extending the environment. A 3-ary predicate P(k1,k2,k3) (for example) is represented by a term t where t in environ (k3:k2:k1:env) represents P (k1,k2,k3). Appends something to the start of the env.
  Definition appendZero (env:Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) (zv:FailureMonad nat) : (Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) :=
        fun (t:Ast.term) => match t with tRel n => (match n with 0 => zv | S n => env (tRel n) end) | _ => k <- lowerRelIndex 0 (fail "tRel 0 used when lowering") t;; (env k) end.
Appends something to the start of the env. At the same time, it expects the terms given to the env helper to be one level deeper, so it "unshifts" the tRels first
  Definition appendAndLift (env:Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) (zv:FailureMonad nat) : (Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) :=
        fun t => match t with tRel n => (match n with 0 => zv | S n => k <- env (tRel n);;ret (S k) end) | _ => k <- lowerRelIndex 0 (fail "tRel 0 used when lowering") t;; v <- env k;;ret (S v) end.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qD := @D.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qScons := @scons.
  Definition raiseEnvTerm (tct:Ast.term) (d:Ast.term) (env:Ast.term) : Ast.term := tApp (qScons) ([tApp qD ([tct]);d;env]).
  Definition unboundEnv := (fun a:Ast.term => @fail nat ("unbound " ++ string_of_term a)).
End EnvHelpers.

Section EnvConstructor.


Constructs the environment used to help with free variables in terms Useful quotations
  Existing Instance config.default_checker_flags.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qFs := @fs.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qLocalVar := @var.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qI_f := @i_f.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qI_P := @i_P.
  Context {tr : tarski_reflector}.
  Context {te : tarski_reflector_extensions tr}.
Given a term in the semantic, construct an environment that contains all atoms that appear in the term (and are not otherwise representable)
  Fixpoint findUBRecursively (lt : list Ast.term) (IH : Ast.term -> FailureMonad (list Ast.term)) : FailureMonad ((list Ast.term) ) :=
       match lt with nil => ret (nil)
                 | t::tr => rep <- IH t;; replist <- findUBRecursively tr IH;;ret (rep++replist) end.
Finds all free variables in a term
  Fixpoint findUnboundVariablesTerm (fuel:nat) (t:Ast.term) {struct fuel}: (FailureMonad (list Ast.term)) := match fuel with
      0 => fail "Out of fuel"
      | S fuel => let ffail := orelse (match @termReifierVarHelper _ te with None => fail "Fallthrough" | Some k => k fuel t (findUnboundVariablesTerm fuel) end)
                        (match t with tRel _ => ret nil | _ => ret ([t]) end) in
tRel are things introduced by forall/exists and so on, which we do not add to the environment
          match t with
          tApp arg l => if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qI_f then match popNElements l 4 with
            Some ([fnc;v]) => vr <- recoverVector v;;findUBRecursively vr (findUnboundVariablesTerm fuel)
           | _ => ffail end else ffail
        | _ => ffail
  Notation baseLogicConn x l:= (tInd {| inductive_mind := (MPfile (["Logic"; "Init"; "Coq"]), x); inductive_ind := 0 |} l).
Find the unbound variables for our basic forms
  Definition findUBFalse :baseConnectiveVars := fun lst _ _ fPR _ => match lst with nil =>
                                             ret (nil) | _ => fail "False applied to terms" end.
  Definition findUBAnd :baseConnectiveVars := fun lst _ _ fPR _ => match lst with [x; y] =>
                                             xt <- fPR x 0;;yt <- fPR y 0;;
                                             ret (xt++yt) | _ => fail "And applied to != 2 terms" end.
  Definition findUBOr :baseConnectiveVars := fun lst _ _ fPR _ => match lst with [x; y] =>
                                             xt <- fPR x 0;;yt <- fPR y 0;;
                                             ret (xt++yt) | _ => fail "Or applied to != 2 terms" end.
  Definition findUBExists:baseConnectiveVars := fun lst _ _ fPR _ => match lst with [_; P] => fPR P 1 | _ => fail "Exist applied to wrong terms" end.
  Definition findUBTrue : baseConnectiveVars := fun lst fuel tct _ _ => match lst with nil => ret nil | _ => fail "True applied to terms" end.
  Definition findUBIff :baseConnectiveVars := fun lst _ _ fPR _ => match lst with [x; y] =>
                                           xt <- fPR x 0;;yt <- fPR y 0;;
                                           ret (xt++yt) | _ => fail "Iff applied to != 2 terms" end.

  Definition findUBBase (s:string) : baseConnectiveVars
          := match s with "and" => findUBAnd | "or" => findUBOr | "ex" => findUBExists | "False" => findUBFalse | "True" => findUBFalse | _ =>
                match @baseLogicVarHelper tr te with None => fun _ _ _ _ _ => fail ("Unknown connective "++s) | Some k => k s end end.
  MetaCoq Quote Definition qIff := @iff.
Checks whether a term is the type of theory terms in Coq.
  Definition maybeD : Ast.term -> Ast.term -> bool := fun tct mD => if @isD tr mD then true else Checker.eq_term init_graph mD (tApp qD ([tct])).
Finds the unbound variables in a form
  Fixpoint findUnboundVariablesForm (tct:Ast.term) (fuel:nat) (t:Ast.term) (frees:nat) {struct fuel}: (FailureMonad (list Ast.term)) :=
  let ffail := fail ("Cannot introspect form "++ string_of_term t) in match fuel with 0 => fail "Out of fuel" | S fuel =>
    match (frees,t) with
    (0,(baseLogicConn name nil)) => findUBBase name nil fuel tct (findUnboundVariablesForm tct fuel) (findUnboundVariablesTerm fuel)
  | (0,(tApp (baseLogicConn name nil) lst)) => findUBBase name lst fuel tct (findUnboundVariablesForm tct fuel) (findUnboundVariablesTerm fuel)
  | (0,(tApp arg lst)) => if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qI_P then match popNElements lst 4 with
          Some ([fnc;v]) => vr <- recoverVector v;;findUBRecursively vr (fun t => findUnboundVariablesTerm fuel t)
        | _ => ffail end else if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qIff then findUBIff lst fuel tct (findUnboundVariablesForm tct fuel) (findUnboundVariablesTerm fuel) else ffail
  | (0,tProd x P Q) => if maybeD tct (P) then
                            findUnboundVariablesForm tct fuel (tLambda x P Q) 1
                            rP <- findUnboundVariablesForm tct fuel P 0;;
                            Ql <- lowerRelIndex 0 (fail "Used var of implication precondition") Q;;
                            rQ <- findUnboundVariablesForm tct fuel Ql 0;;
                            ret (rP++rQ)
  | (S n,tLambda x T P) => if maybeD tct T then
        findUnboundVariablesForm tct fuel P n
       else ffail
  | _ => ffail end end.
Builds the actual env out of a list of free variables
 Fixpoint createEnvTerms (tct:Ast.term) (l:list Ast.term) (base:Ast.term) : prod (Ast.term) (Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) := match l with
       nil => (base,unboundEnv)
   | x::xr => let '(envTerm,env) := createEnvTerms tct xr base in (raiseEnvTerm tct x envTerm, fun a:Ast.term => if Checker.eq_term init_graph x a then ret 0 else v <- env a;;ret (S v)) end.
End EnvConstructor.

Section MainReificationFunctions.


Constructs the actual reifications, putting everything together
  Context {tr : tarski_reflector}.
  Context {te : tarski_reflector_extensions tr}.
  Existing Instance config.default_checker_flags.


Constructs the representation for terms. Arguments:
  • tct -- the quoted instance of tarski_reflector
  • fuel -- fuel
  • t -- the term to reify
  • termEnv -- the env term
  • env -- the env helper
  • returns the pair of reification/proof
  Fixpoint findTermRepresentation (tct:Ast.term) (fuel:nat) (t:Ast.term) (termEnv:Ast.term) (env:Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) {struct fuel}: (FailureMonad (prod Ast.term Ast.term)) := match fuel with
      0 => fail "Out of fuel"
      | S fuel =>
    let fallback := orelse (match @termReifierReifyHelper _ te with None => fail "none" | Some k => k tct fuel t termEnv env (fun l => findTermRepresentation l fuel) end)
                           (envv <- env (t);;let num := quoteNumber (envv) in ret (tApp qLocalVar ([tApp qFs ([tct]);num]),tApp qeq_refl ([tApp qD ([tct]);t]))) in match t with
          tApp arg l => if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qI_f then match popNElements l 4 with
            Some ([fnc;v]) => vr <- recoverVector v;;reifyTerm fnc tct vr termEnv (fun t => findTermRepresentation tct fuel t termEnv env)
           | _ => fallback end else fallback
        | _ => fallback
Like the above, but without the proof
  Fixpoint findTermRepresentationNP (tct:Ast.term) (fuel:nat) (t:Ast.term) (termEnv:Ast.term) (env:Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) {struct fuel}: (FailureMonad (Ast.term)) := match fuel with
      0 => fail "Out of fuel"
      | S fuel =>
    let fallback := orelse (match @termReifierReifyHelper _ te with None => fail "none" | Some k => pr <- k tct fuel t termEnv env (fun tct' t' te' e' => v <- findTermRepresentationNP tct' fuel t' te' e';;ret (v,noProofDummy));; let '(pr1,pr2) := pr in ret pr1 end)
                           (envv <- env (t);;let num := quoteNumber (envv) in ret (tApp qLocalVar ([tApp qFs ([tct]);num]))) in match t with
          tApp arg l => if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qI_f then match popNElements l 4 with
            Some ([fnc;v]) => vr <- recoverVector v;;reifyTermNP fnc tct vr termEnv (fun t => findTermRepresentationNP tct fuel t termEnv env)
           | _ => fallback end else fallback
        | _ => fallback

    Notation baseLogicConn x l:= (tInd {| inductive_mind := (MPfile (["Logic"; "Init"; "Coq"]), x); inductive_ind := 0 |} l).


    Fixpoint findPropRepresentation (tct:Ast.term) (fuel:nat) (t:Ast.term) (frees:nat) (envTerm:Ast.term) (env:Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) {struct fuel}: (FailureMonad (prod Ast.term Ast.term)) :=
    match fuel with 0 => fail "Out of fuel" | S fuel =>
    let ffail := orelse (match @formReifierReifyHelper _ te with None => fail "none" | Some k => k tct fuel t frees envTerm env (findPropRepresentation tct fuel) (fun l => findTermRepresentation l fuel) end)
                        (fail ("Cannot represent form " ++ string_of_term t)) in match (frees,t) with
      (0,(baseLogicConn name nil)) => reifyBase name tct nil fuel envTerm env (findPropRepresentation tct fuel) (fun tct => findTermRepresentation tct fuel)
    | (0,(tApp (baseLogicConn name nil) lst)) => reifyBase name tct lst fuel envTerm env (findPropRepresentation tct fuel) (fun tct => findTermRepresentation tct fuel)
    | (0,(tApp arg lst)) => if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qI_P then match popNElements lst 4 with
            Some ([fnc;v]) => vr <- recoverVector v;;reifyForm fnc tct vr envTerm (fun t => findTermRepresentation tct fuel t envTerm env)
          | _ => ffail end else if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qIff then reifyIff tct lst fuel envTerm env (findPropRepresentation tct fuel) (fun tct => findTermRepresentation tct fuel) else ffail
    | (0,tProd x P Q) => if maybeD tct (P) then
                              rQ <- findPropRepresentation tct fuel (tLambda x P Q) 1 envTerm env;; let '(tQ,pQ) := rQ in
                              ret (tApp qMergeFormForall ([tct;tQ]), tApp qMergeForall ([tct;envTerm;tLambda x P Q;tQ;pQ]))
                              rP <- findPropRepresentation tct fuel P 0 envTerm env;;
                              Ql <- lowerRelIndex 0 (fail "Used var of implication precondition") Q;;
                              rQ <- findPropRepresentation tct fuel Ql 0 envTerm env;; let '((tP,pP),(tQ,pQ)) := (rP,rQ) in
                              ret (tApp qMergeFormImpl ([tct;tP;tQ]), tApp qMergeImpl ([tct;envTerm;P;Ql;tP;tQ;pP;pQ]))
    | (S n,tLambda x T P) => if maybeD tct T then
          let envTermSub := raiseEnvTerm tct (tRel 0) (addRelIndex 0 1 envTerm) in
          let envSub := appendAndLift env (ret 0) in
          k <- findPropRepresentation tct fuel P n envTermSub envSub;; let '(tk,pk) := k in
          ret (tk,(tLambda x (tApp qD ([tct])) pk))
         else ffail
    | _ => ffail end end.
like the above but again the no-proof version
    Fixpoint findPropRepresentationNP (tct:Ast.term) (fuel:nat) (t:Ast.term) (frees:nat) (envTerm:Ast.term) (env:Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) {struct fuel}: (FailureMonad (Ast.term)) :=
    match fuel with 0 => fail "Out of fuel" | S fuel =>
      let ffail := orelse (match @formReifierReifyHelper _ te with None => fail "none" | Some k => rr <- k tct fuel t frees envTerm env (fun t f et e => v <- findPropRepresentationNP tct fuel t f et e;; ret (v,noProofDummy)) (fun l t et e => v <- findTermRepresentationNP l fuel t et e;;ret (v,noProofDummy));;let '(trm,_) := rr in ret trm end)
                          (fail ("Cannot represent form " ++ string_of_term t)) in match (frees,t) with
      (0,(baseLogicConn name nil)) => reifyBaseNP name tct nil fuel envTerm env (findPropRepresentationNP tct fuel) (fun tct => findTermRepresentationNP tct fuel)
    | (0,(tApp (baseLogicConn name nil) lst)) => reifyBaseNP name tct lst fuel envTerm env (findPropRepresentationNP tct fuel) (fun tct => findTermRepresentationNP tct fuel)
    | (0,(tApp arg lst)) => if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qI_P then match popNElements lst 4 with
            Some ([fnc;v]) => vr <- recoverVector v;;reifyFormNP fnc tct vr envTerm (fun t => findTermRepresentationNP tct fuel t envTerm env)
          | _ => ffail end else if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qIff then reifyIffNP tct lst fuel envTerm env (findPropRepresentationNP tct fuel) (fun tct => findTermRepresentationNP tct fuel) else ffail
    | (0,tProd x P Q) => if maybeD tct (P) then
                              tQ <- findPropRepresentationNP tct fuel (tLambda x P Q) 1 envTerm env;;
                              ret (tApp qMergeFormForall ([tct;tQ]))
                              tP <- findPropRepresentationNP tct fuel P 0 envTerm env;;
                              Ql <- lowerRelIndex 0 (fail "Used var of implication precondition") Q;;
                              tQ <- findPropRepresentationNP tct fuel Ql 0 envTerm env;;
                              ret (tApp qMergeFormImpl ([tct;tP;tQ]))
    | (S n,tLambda x T P) => if maybeD tct T then
          let envTermSub := raiseEnvTerm tct (tRel 0) (addRelIndex 0 1 envTerm) in
          let envSub := appendAndLift env (ret 0) in
          tk <- findPropRepresentationNP tct fuel P n envTermSub envSub;;
          ret (tk)
         else ffail
    | _ => ffail end end.
End MainReificationFunctions.

Default fuel. This is enough for all terms with depth 100
Definition FUEL := 100.


All tactics expect the goal to be representable n P Tactic that calls findPropRepresentation. Given an env (unquoted) and a respective env helper
Ltac representEnvP env env2:=
match goal with [ |- @representableP ?i ?n ?G ] =>
  let rep := fresh "rep" in let prf := fresh "prf" in let k y := (destruct y as [rep prf]) in
  (run_template_program (monad_utils.bind (tmQuote i) (fun tct =>
                         monad_utils.bind (tmQuote G) (fun g =>
                         monad_utils.bind (tmInferInstance None (tarski_reflector_extensions i)) (fun treO => let tre := match treO with my_Some kk => kk | my_None => defaultExtensions i end in
                         monad_utils.bind (tmQuote env) (fun qe =>
                         monad_utils.bind (f2t (@findPropRepresentation i tre tct FUEL g n qe env2)) (fun '(tPq,pPq) =>
                         monad_utils.bind (tmUnquoteTyped (form) tPq) (fun tP:form =>
                         monad_utils.bind (tmUnquoteTyped (@representsP i n tP env G) pPq) (fun tQ : @representsP i n tP env G =>
                         monad_utils.ret (@existT form (fun mm => @representsP i n mm env G) tP tQ))))))))) k)
  ;exists rep;exists env;exact prf

Like the above, but no-proof mode. We hope easy can proof it, if not the user must close (or alternatively try representEnvP )
Ltac representEnvPNP env env2:=
match goal with [ |- @representableP ?i ?n ?G ] =>
  let rep := fresh "rep" in let prf := fresh "prf" in let k y := (pose y as rep) in
  (run_template_program (monad_utils.bind (tmQuote i) (fun tct =>
                         monad_utils.bind (tmQuote G) (fun g =>
                         monad_utils.bind (tmInferInstance None (tarski_reflector_extensions i)) (fun treO => let tre := match treO with my_Some kk => kk | my_None => defaultExtensions i end in
                         monad_utils.bind (tmQuote env) (fun qe =>
                         monad_utils.bind (f2t ((@findPropRepresentationNP i tre tct FUEL g n qe env2))) (fun tPq =>
                         monad_utils.bind (tmUnquoteTyped (form) tPq) (fun tP:form =>
                         monad_utils.ret (tP)))))))) k)
  ;exists rep;exists env;try easy

Construct the environment, then invoke another ltac with the build environment and the respective env helper (continuation-passing style)
Definition HiddenTerm {X:Type} {x:X} := x.
Ltac constructEnvCont cont :=
match goal with [ |- @representableP ?i ?n ?G ] =>
  (run_template_program (monad_utils.bind (tmQuote i) (fun tct =>
                         monad_utils.bind (tmQuote G) (fun g =>
                         monad_utils.bind (tmInferInstance None (tarski_reflector_extensions i)) (fun treO => let tre := match treO with my_Some kk => kk | my_None => defaultExtensions i end in
                         monad_utils.bind (tmQuote (@emptyEnv i)) (fun baseEnv =>
                         monad_utils.bind (f2t ((@findUnboundVariablesForm i tre tct FUEL g n))) (fun lst =>
                         let '(envToDR,envToNat) := (createEnvTerms tct lst baseEnv) in
                         monad_utils.bind (tmUnquoteTyped (nat -> @D i) envToDR) (fun envToD =>
                         monad_utils.ret (pair envToD envToNat)))))))) cont)
Construct the env, then bind it to envBase and envTerm. Useful if one does not actually want to show representability with the automation but just build the environment
Ltac constructEnv' envBase envTerm := match goal with [ |- @representableP ?i ?n ?G ] => let k y := (pose (@HiddenTerm (nat -> @D i) (fst y)) as envBase;pose (@HiddenTerm (Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) (snd y)) as envTerm) in constructEnvCont k end.
Ltac constructEnv := let envBase := fresh "envBase" in let envTerm := fresh "envTerm" in constructEnv' envBase envTerm.

The main tactic. Builds an environment, finds a reification and a proof of correctness. Calls the above tactics
Ltac represent := match goal with [ |- @representableP ?i ?n ?G ] => let tac k := (let envBase := fresh "envBase" in (pose (@HiddenTerm (nat -> @D i) (fst k)) as envBase); representEnvP envBase (snd k)) in constructEnvCont tac end.
The same, but without the proof
Ltac representNP := match goal with [ |- @representableP ?i ?n ?G ] => let tac k := (let envBase := fresh "envBase" in (pose (@HiddenTerm (nat -> @D i) (fst k)) as envBase); representEnvPNP envBase (snd k)) in constructEnvCont tac end.